Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Weekend is Over?!

Okay my blogging is really going to improve. See it as a pre-New Year's resolution. I know, we've heard this before. But this time I mean it.

For the first time in 9 years, I didn't have to work Black Friday. Instead I got to stay home, relax, and work on beads. The perks of being a teacher! The extent of my Black Friday shopping was going to Shopko and Kmart with my sister and in-laws at 10 pm on Thanksgiving. However, upon seeing the line (I know, I should have known), we high tailed it out of there. My major triumph for the night was finding a folding table that I can take to craft fairs. You can see where my focus is!

My sister stayed over the whole weekend. Dance parties, movie marathons, and ridiculousness ensued. Too bad reality has returned and I still have papers to grade. Oops...maybe shouldn't be blogging. It's amazing the amount of things you get done when you're avoiding something.

Among the things I got done are a bunch of new beads and stained glass ornaments. I spent about 20 hours this weekend in my studio ♥ If only I could do that all the time.

Friday, March 16, 2012


The term Shangri-La is often used in a similar context to Utopia to represent a paradise hidden from modern man. It is sometimes used as an analogy for a lifelong quest or something elusive that is much sought after. It originates from James Hilton's Lost Horizon, written in 1933.

On my trip to Hawaii this last week, I had the great pleasure of visiting Honolulu's own Shangri-La--that belonging to the late Doris Duke (as in Duke University). While her back story is very interesting, I wanted to share some images from the beautiful property. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pics of the interior, but I did get some of the verdant grounds. For more info about Doris Duke, you can go here.

(Above) The front entrance: understated and private


         The front door                                                    A view of the interior from the front

 The back veranda
A mosaic arch leads to the Moon Garden, while on the other end is an amazing view of the ocean

A spectacular view of Diamond Head                                       The pool and guest house    

An overlook to the passageway outside Doris Duke's bedroom.

 The other side of Ms. Duke's bedroom. This is a lawn that overlooks the ocean.
Overall it was a memorable tour and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Honolulu!

"Gentlemen, I give you a toast. Here's my hope that
 Robert Conway will find his Shangri-La. 
Here's my hope that we all find our Shangri-La" 
-Lost Horizon the movie, 1937

Monday, January 16, 2012

On That Note

As can be expected, things are slow business-wise since the Christmas rush. I was stressed to get orders done on time and now I'm stressed that there are few orders. I took a needed break from my torch and, after 3 weeks, have begun again, renewed.

I started out playing with my new toy--a hollow mandrel that allows me to create hollow beads. It's just like glassblowing, but on a much smaller scale. So far I don't have any spectacular results, but I'll keep working on it.

 <----- Hollow Bead Mandrel
            (courtesy of Sundance Art Glass)


         An amazing, giant hollow bead  ----->
         by Belvedere Beads, blog here

  I also made several pendant beads shaped like music notes. They look pretty cool and will be nice on a simple chain necklace. Here are some still on mandrels:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Long Time...

Wow, the last couple months have been a whirlwind. Along with the normal craziness of the holidays, I finished student teaching and my independent studies classes, while working 40 hours/week. Whew. I never want to be that exhausted again. This led to my neglect of this blog. I mean to change that!

One exciting thing is that I got several custom jewelry orders for Christmas. It was so much fun working with others to complete their unique visions! (Also a little nervewracking to do my best to make people's ideas come into being and not mess it up). I love getting outside perspectives and inspiration.

Now that I'm graduated, I have some free time on my hands. It's a new year and the resultant optimism has infused me with energy to carry out new plans and goals. My aim is to get back to making stained glass along with continuing to expand White Torch Glassworks. I'm also exploring oil painting (a medium that's intimidated me for a long time!). Here's my first completed oil painting:

The subject is an abandoned house in a big field. It goes with my fascination with urban/rural exploration. I'm pretty happy with the results of this painting and am excited to expand my skills.