Monday, January 16, 2012

On That Note

As can be expected, things are slow business-wise since the Christmas rush. I was stressed to get orders done on time and now I'm stressed that there are few orders. I took a needed break from my torch and, after 3 weeks, have begun again, renewed.

I started out playing with my new toy--a hollow mandrel that allows me to create hollow beads. It's just like glassblowing, but on a much smaller scale. So far I don't have any spectacular results, but I'll keep working on it.

 <----- Hollow Bead Mandrel
            (courtesy of Sundance Art Glass)


         An amazing, giant hollow bead  ----->
         by Belvedere Beads, blog here

  I also made several pendant beads shaped like music notes. They look pretty cool and will be nice on a simple chain necklace. Here are some still on mandrels:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Long Time...

Wow, the last couple months have been a whirlwind. Along with the normal craziness of the holidays, I finished student teaching and my independent studies classes, while working 40 hours/week. Whew. I never want to be that exhausted again. This led to my neglect of this blog. I mean to change that!

One exciting thing is that I got several custom jewelry orders for Christmas. It was so much fun working with others to complete their unique visions! (Also a little nervewracking to do my best to make people's ideas come into being and not mess it up). I love getting outside perspectives and inspiration.

Now that I'm graduated, I have some free time on my hands. It's a new year and the resultant optimism has infused me with energy to carry out new plans and goals. My aim is to get back to making stained glass along with continuing to expand White Torch Glassworks. I'm also exploring oil painting (a medium that's intimidated me for a long time!). Here's my first completed oil painting:

The subject is an abandoned house in a big field. It goes with my fascination with urban/rural exploration. I'm pretty happy with the results of this painting and am excited to expand my skills.