Thursday, November 10, 2011

Where Were They Going (without ever knowing the way)

On the Nevada side of the Virgin River Gorge, going northbound on I-15, is a sight that has intrigued me for years. Looking tiny in comparison to the mountains that loom behind, a half-finished house clings to the desert landscape. I look forward to passing it each time I travel this route (a couple times a year). Who built that house? Why did they stop? How long has it been there?

I imagine it would have taken someone quite brave to build a home so far from a city, next to the immense gorge. It's miles from a city, solitary, yet completely exposed to the tens of thousands of travelers along the interstate. If you look at close-up, you'll notice that there's an old car parked out back. That's been there as long as I can remember as well.

I wish I knew the history of this place. Searches online have been fruitless. But, the not knowing allows for greater mystery and I'm free to imagine all sorts of possibilities. Did the owner run out of money? Did they pass away suddenly? Was there a problem with running water and electric that far? Was it the result of a love affair that ended in disillusionment? Every time I see this home I recall the chorus to Fastball's The Way:

Anyone could see
The road that they walk on is paved in gold
And it's always summer, they'll never get cold
They'll never get hungry
They'll never get old and gray
You can see their shadows
Wandering off somewhere
They won't make it home
But they really don't care
They wanted the highway
They're happy there today


  1. I think this kind of thing is super interesting to. I love playing around with the mystery of it all. P.S. I have no idea why it has my name as untitled. oh well

  2. Yeah that's weird it's not displaying your name. Who is this, by the way? It doesn't tell me :(

    I love exploring old places, guessing at or researching their history.

  3. Haha it's Elizabeth, sorry! It also doesn't tell me when you respond to a comment. Oh well, haha. Maybe if I had my own blog?

  4. Lol that's funny. You should have your own blog. I'd read it!
